Raise More Funds for What Matters Most

I’m Brice Sokolowski, author of 10 Commandments of Catholic Fundraising. Ten practical steps every Catholic should follow to find donors, raise funds, and move their mission forward. 

Get this free guide and discover how to fundraise in 10 steps (even if you are completely overwhelmed). 

>> Click here to get your copy <<

"Let me know which e-mail I should send your FREE copy of the 10 Commandments of Catholic Fundraising." - Brice Sokolowski

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100% Catholic. Written by a Catholic for Catholics 


 #1 Downloaded e-book on Catholic Fundraising Explains How I Helped My Diocese Raise $60 million

 Learn the 10 Steps I Used to Help A Charity Grow from $100,000 per Year in Donations to $300,000 in Just Two Years

Discover the Step-by-Step Approach for How You Can Do the Same ... In Any Charity-based Context

Find out how the greatest saints in the Catholic Church (Saint Ignatius of Loyola, Saint Mother Teresa, Saint John of Almsgiving) approached this difficult topic, raised millions, and spread the Gospel 

You Can Build a Great Fundraising Campaign Today with this free guide.

>> Click here for your Free Copy <<

Hear what Catholics are saying

"It's so inspiring to talk to you. 

CatholicFundraiser.net is a very, very, very much needed service to the Church. I think this work is so important.” 

Jennifer Fulwiler, Catholic Speaker and Author

"Thanks to Brice for his great guide in fundraising. I shared some thoughts of his at my recent Priest Senate meeting."

Bishop Donald Lippert, Capuchin priest and missionary Bishop of Mendi, Papua New Guinea 

Watch my Interview on Catholic Radio

Learn how my approach to fundraising is helping thousands of Catholics from my interview on KATH 910AM North Texas Guadalupe Radio with Dave Palmer

The Catholic Approach to Fundraising That Lets You ...

  •  Learn why prayer is your foundation to fundraising and how to use it correctly in your next appeal
  •  Discover the best way to ask people to donate
  •  Build a list of dream supporters and get them to actually support you
  •  Use the exercises in the book to prepare you for success in running your campaigns
  • Find out what words to say when asking a major donor for money (and what words NOT to say)
  •  ... and take your fundraising to the next level

What Catholics are saying

"If you have something that you are passionate about doing, you and I must master the art of asking for donations. 

Whether that's starting a local charity, renewing parts of your parish, or funding your ministry… this book is for you."

JonMarc Grodi, The Coming Home Network

"Brice Sokolowski has done something that seems obvious but has rarely been done: combine common sense, up-to-date fundraising methods with Catholic spirituality and sensibilities."

Michael Murray, Development Leader at The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese of Dallas, TX 

Get Your FREE Copy Now and Get These Fundraising Training Bonuses

How to ask someone (especially major donors) for a gift of any amount

How to Plan Your Next Campaign by Using the Catechism of the Catholic Church as Your Reference and Improve Your Response Rates by 500% (yes, I'm serious!)

How to Put Every Piece of the Fundraising Puzzle Together  

Learn why Pope Paul VI offers some of the best advice for fundraising (he's simply the best!) 

Outlines How to Balance Your Approach so Catholics Are Inspired by Your Message and Willing to Donate  

Practical Recommendations for How to Thank Donors so They Keep on Giving  

You get access to an online library of resources 

Get Your FREE Copy of the 10 Commandments to Catholic Fundraising Now and Get These Fudraising Training Bonuses...  

Starting a new charity business or apostolate from scratch? Use this book to launch your fundraising campaign as quickly as possible (even if you don’t have prospects).

What Catholics are saying

"Brice Sokolowski is great and is helping Catholic Fundraisers all over the world.

Absolutely worth the follow!" 

Adam Minihan, The Catholic Man Show

So, You Might Be Wondering ...

If it’s so good, why am I giving the guide away for FREE?

There are a few reasons:

1. You'll read in the guide about my radical approach to fundraising. 

Several years ago, I quit my successful (and lucrative) career in international consulting to fundraise for my diocese. I was so scared when I was giving everything up ... but I had faith that this is what God wanted me to do. 

Thankfully, the path I took and the fundraising approach that you'll read about worked (even when I wasn't sure what I was doing!).

And someone, maybe you, will read these 10 steps and immediately have the answers to your most frustrating fundraising questions that could save YOUR charity like they did mine.  

2. There’s nothing out there like it. I wish there had been something like this book when I was getting started. It would have saved me a lot of heartache, stress, time, and money. 

It came to be through trial and error. By testing, tweaking, and improving my own approach to the point of being 100% Catholic and predictable. 

That's what was missing. 

The ability to predict if a campaign would work BEFORE starting. Giving Catholics a way to make decisions based on FACT and not secular, emotionally manipulative approaches. (also completely outdated and ineffective in the Catholic context.)

3. Let’s be completely honest: By getting the 10 Commandments to Catholic Fundraising in your hands, I get some valuable shelf space in your library. Especially around all those theology and doctrine textooks. 

4. Real-Deal Examples. Since anybody these days can declare themselves a “fundraising expert”, it’s hard to know who you can really trust to shoot straight. 

This book contains only real proof from real examples on how to fundraise - in a CATHOLIC CONTEXT. This isn't fluff or nice ideas. I explain how you actually ask people for money for your Catholic cause. 

Some of these steps have been kept under wraps until now. These real-life steps will change your thinking about what we do as fundraisers—and give you lots of ideas on how you can do it better.

Thanks for taking the time to read this letter. 

I know you'll enjoy the guide!

in Christ, 

Brice Sokolowski

Founder, Catholic Fundraiser.net