Learn how to fundraise the Catholic way. Read the guide that explains how:

The 10 Commandments to Catholic Fundraising

written by a Catholic for Catholics

10 practical fundraising steps based on Catholic teaching and the Lives of the Saints that will explain how you can attract more donors, raise more funds, and dramatically move your Catholic apostolate forward.


Click the Orange Button to immediately get you free copy of the 10 Commadments to Catholic Fundraising.

This guide has helped over 10,000 Catholic apostolates fundraise. It will also help yours!

Why you must get a copy of this guide (watch video)

Hello! I'm Brice Sokolowski, the author of the 10 Commandments to Catholic Fundraising. Watch this short video to learn more about me and how this guide will help you raise more funds for your Catholic apostolate.

Some of my favorite Catholics.

Cardinal Raymond Burke

Patrick Coffin of Coffin Nation

Cardinal Robert Sarah

Jennifer Fulwiler

Dave Palmer of Guadalupe Radio

Michael Voris of Church Militant

Catholic News that has Featured Brice and CatholicFundraiser.net